Saturday, August 20 – Marketing forT&I Professionals

Registration is open for this update of the workshops given by Giovanna Lester at ATA Annual Conferences in 2008 and 2010, and at the ATA Portuguese Language Division mid-year conference in 2009 at UMass Amherst.
The four-hour workshop-style presentation will explore the goals and objectives of a marketing program, how to stay top-of-mind with your clients, electronic media campaigns, and much more. Learn more here.
Date, Time and Location
Saturday, August 20 from 9:30 a.m. (registration) to 2:30 p.m. Miami-Dade College InterAmerican Campus, 627 SW 27th Avenue, Miami FL 3313
For Pricing and Registration click here.
Saturday, September 17 – Note-Taking Techniques for Consecutive Interpreting

Dr. Georganne Weller, an international authority in the field of linguistics, is a member of AIIC [Association Internationale des Interprètes de Conférence] and a Federally Certified Court Interpreter, as well as a Department of State Conference and Seminar interpreter. Dr. Weller is a frequent ATA presenter, and has led seminars and taught at universities in Chile, Brazil, Mexico and throughout the U.S. on the subject of simultaneous and consecutive interpretation. Georganne, who helped formulate the NAJIT exam, has decades of combined experience as a highly qualified and well respected Spanish-Portuguese-English interpreter, translator, instructor, workshop presenter, published author, and university professor. Learn more here.
Registration is open, and Continuing Education Credits have already been requested from ATA and NAJIT. Florida Courts: An application has been approved by the Court Interpreter Certification and Regulation Program for Continuing Interpreter Education credit. CEAA award no. 11-025 for 4.8 CIE credits.
Date, Time and Location
Saturday, September 17 from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm. Mark you calendars. More details soon.
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