Soon we will start investing money to channel traffic to our ATIF website. This will be done to develop work opportunities for our members. For this initiative, and investment, to be effective, you must have a completely filled-in PROFILE on our website.
- Go to our website at
- LOGIN. You will be asked for your USER NAME or EMAIL and your PASSWORD.
(If you have forgotten your Password, then use the command under where it says ‘password’ to have it sent to you. Remember … IT WILL BE SENT TO THE EMAIL YOU HAVE ON FILE WITH ATIF).
- Once you do that, you will see on the toolbar your name.
Ex. Home- Membership- News & Events- YOUR NAME– Contact
- When you scroll over YOUR NAME, you will see: MY PROFILE
- Click over MY PROFILE
- Please review the information already there. (Some people have written their email wrongly and then complain they don’t receive our communications).
- Start filling out the PROFILE.
FIRST NAME necessary information
LAST NAME necessary information
EMAIL necessary information
ADDRESS optional information
CITY necessary information (We strongly recommend that you put the recognizable city in this spot. Ex. If you live 5minutes out of Tampa … put TAMPA.)
STATE or PROVINCE necessary information
COUNTRY necessary information
POSTAL CODE necessary information
HOME PHONE optional information
CELL PHONE optional information (We suggest you put it in).
SERVICES You can click on INTERPRETER or TRANSLATOR. (Or both if you work in both disciplines.)
Please chose NO MORE THAN THREE (3) areas of service.
Your main activity should be placed first (ex. conference interpreting).
By clicking inside the service box, you will see what services are available. If you do not see your service, you can create it with the “New Term” + button.)
COUNTRY OF ORIGIN. Optional information (… but useful).
SOURCE LANGUAGE necessary information
TARGET LANGUAGE necessary information
… if you do, for example, Spanish to English AND English to Spanish, you should put both languages as both SOURCE and TARGET.
CERTIFICATIONS necessary information. (Must be filled out … cannot be left blank. You must put a “yes” or a “no”, as well as the other appropriate information.)
AFFILIATIONS. optional information.
ABOUT ME. Optional information. (Here you can choose to write a brief note about yourself or paste your CV.)
PICTURE. Necessary. Click on the space for the picture. On the dialogue box that will appear, use the BROWSE to locate your picture, logo or avatar from the file you have it in. (Note: NO CORPORATE names, logos or avatars … only personal ones). After you have selected the proper file, press UPLOAD.
Well done. Check the spelling please. The first time emal is written it is emal not email. We live to proof read.