Please banish that word! | 89.3 KPCC.
Certain words, such as “irregardless,” become so commonplace that officials eventually give in and add them to dictionaries. Pink said that “it seems to happen over the years.”
Association of Translators & Interpreters of Florida
Please banish that word! | 89.3 KPCC.
Certain words, such as “irregardless,” become so commonplace that officials eventually give in and add them to dictionaries. Pink said that “it seems to happen over the years.”
ATIF is dedicated to promoting professional recognition and growth opportunities through educational and training initiatives targeting translation and interpreting professionals in the State of Florida.
ATIF is the Florida Chapter of the American
Translators Association, with membership open
to individuals who are active in the fields of
translation and interpretation.
Association of Translators and Interpreters of Florida (ATIF)
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