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  1. Mental storage and retrieval of information can be made easier by a technique called:[Points: 1]
  2. Taking a ‘mental picture’ of the utterance and then retrieving it as a photograph is called ‘imagery’:[Points: 1]
  3. The first step in ‘message transfer skill’ is to:[Points: 1]
  4. Paraphrasing is the technique of repeating what is said in the same language.[Points: 1]
  5. Shadowing is the technique of repeating what is said in the same language.[Points: 1]
  6. Decalage is:[Points: 1]
  7. The most common type of interpreting used in a medical encounter is:[Points: 1]
  8. Note-taking will be of greater use in which type of interpreting modes:[Points: 1]
  9. Sight translation is challenging because of:[Points: 1]
  10. Summarization should never be used if possible.[Points: 1]
  11. Under what circumstances might ‘summary interpretation’ be acceptable.[Points: 0]
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